A Comparison of Educational Research Features; a Case Study: Higher Education Review in Iran and the Nederlands

Document Type : Original Article



Abstract: The aim of the present study is analyzing two journals namely the Journal of Higher Education in the Netherlands and Journal of Higher Education of Iran in 2009 and 2010. Twenty-one Iranian articles and 42 English articles were selected- 50% of each journal was reviewed. Four areas including anthropology, methodology typical type of population, statistical analysis were studied. The results indicate that the approach in Iranian Higher Education is quantitative, and the most typical way of studying was quantitative as well. Most of the population are members of the Iranian higher education research. Data collection tool was providing questionnaires. Finally, the analysis of results and statistics was mainly inferential. In contrast, the main approach used in the Dutch higher educational papers was qualitative. Most of the data were collected through documentation. Finally, data were analyzed through a descriptive method.


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