Faculty members’ attitude towards higher education challenges in Europe and needed training to respond such issues

Document Type : Original Article



The main objective of the Bologna Process is to create a "European space" for higher education that allows for comparability, compatibility, and coherence among the existing systems of higher education across Europe. This objective is commonly known as the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The creation of the EHEA is a new and specific challenge for higher education in Europe, one that depends upon improved faculty development and training across Europe. The integration of Spain and other European countries into European higher education more generally entails these challenges. In order for necessary changes in faculty development and training to take place, university managers and legislators should consider knowledge, interests and needs of faculty members in designing training courses. This investigation was conducted in Madrid, Spain with these themes in mind. It included 257 professors from ten different schools of the Universidad Completeness de Madrid. The aim of the investigation was to understand faculty knowledge and attitudes about changes in higher education in Europe. Moreover, it aimed to help faculty members cope with the change that is accompanying the creation of EHEA. The investigators sought to understand the importance to professional development at the university level and how it would be probable to promote existing attitudes towards professional development at the university level. The results indicate a degree of ignorance regarding changes in European higher education as well as a feeling of resistance on the part of many faculty members. While many faculty members consider knowledge of change processes and adaptability to be important qualities, faculty responses also indicate a clear need for guidance if they are going to integrate new learning models and adequate coping strategies into their work in higher education.


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