Curriculum Evaluation: Meaning, Methodology and Application

Document Type : Original Article



It was in the area of educational innovations that curriculum evaluation was introduced as a specialized area. In the US, it was in the 1930s that demand and tendency towards curriculum evaluation developed, and later in the 1950s it was developed in England . Since a considerable amount of funding was done for the new curriculum, there was the need for its quality evaluation. Although curriculum
evaluation is based upon educational evaluation, examination and measurement, it is considered a part of the curriculum. Curriculum evaluation does not have a particular and known form because it is in between two cimplex areas of knowledge (evaluation and curriculum) and each one has its own approaches, definitions and
models. This paper focuses on curriculum from two perspectives: first, it considers curriculum as a “Fixed Product” which just restates everything that is common and is considered a traditional viewpoint. This approach is based on Positivist Ideology. The second approach is newer and is called “evolving curriculum” and is based on Constructivism Paradigm and Participatory Inquiry View. These two paradigms have different theories on the nature of truth, the nature of knowledge, and the process of knowledge about which there is no consensus.
