How to Evaluate Enacted Curriculum?

Document Type : Original Article



This study aimed at providing an evaluation framework of the undergraduate enacted curriculum. Having used the descriptive qualitative research method, it was attempted to collect the experiences and perceptions of 31 participants (17 faculty members, 12 undergraduate students and 2 experts of the Office of Higher Education Planning) from Allameh Tabatabai University, Kharazmi University, University of Tehran, Aja University of Medical Sciences and Office of Higher Education Planning using purposeful sampling method and semi-structured interviews. Given the data analysis process, it was tried to focus on systematic grounded theory approach through open, axial and selective coding methods. The findings led to identification of the following categories and subcategories: "designing a teaching map", “teaching and evaluating it", "selection of teaching approach", "selection of teaching method", "planning for teaching", "creating a positively affective space", "teaching"," interactions after classroom" and "monitoring the taught curriculum". Generally, the discovered framework for evaluating the enacted curriculum expanded the ecology of enacted curriculum to out-of-class areas. Besides, it provided a platform for a deep view to secure the quality of learning-teaching processes.


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