Designing the Model of Boundary Spanning in the Higher Education with the Method of Research Meta-synthesis

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in educational management, Faculty of Humanities, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran

2 Professor of Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran


Objective: The purpose of the research was to design the model of boundary spanning in the higher education system with the synthesis method.
Methods: This research was a qualitative research and was carried out with Research synthesis method.
Results: Academic boundary spanning at the individual and organizational level has 8 dimensions. Organizational level including: institutional issues of boundary spanning, strategies of boundary spanning, organizational characteristics of boundary spanning, results of academic boundary spanning and challenges of boundary spanning and in individual level including roles and duties of academic boundary spanning, characteristics of academic boundary spanning, skills and abilities academic boundary spanner.
Conclusion: Academic boundary spanning by relying on strategies, institutional issues and organizational characteristics, skills, characteristics and abilities of faculty members leads to positive results and consequences. In this regard, the university and its members are also facing challenges that by managing them, the university can finally fulfill its mission in relation to the industry and society, achieve development and survive in the field of competition with other universities to keep.
